In this clip V&R cleverly combine their conceptual show with their ready-to-wear-show.
Note the layout of the audience and runway and stage. They use a revolving platform that is positioned halfway down the runway and the main 'older' model stands transfixed throughout the entire shoe while V&R dress and swap her in layers of garments from passing by models which are younger in age. V&R are both onstage performing in contrast to the traditional situation where the designers stay backstage to prepare the models who are the only performers.
This action of taking clothes off the older model and giving it to the younger models was a literal representation of the the rites of passage that occurs in the fashion industry. Once a model hits or looks a certain age her career 'expires' and is given to other younger and fresh-faced models. Sad, fleeting and cut-throat. This also occurs in the sports, acting and musical industries.
Notion of not one idea or person is permanent and that everything (people, nature, architecture and design) are moving constantly evolving or exchanging in fleeting cycles.
Notion of not one idea or person is permanent and that everything (people, nature, architecture and design) are moving constantly evolving or exchanging in fleeting cycles.
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